Tuesday, March 10, 2009

All I got for my birthday is....

Isn't life full of surprises? Today is my actual birthday and the celebration of my first year as being a woman. Since I made this great transition on my birthday on March 10th, I can actually tell people that I was born on this day at 11:30pm. Which isn't a lie, just stretching the truth a bit....

Anyway, I'd like to thank everyone who has sent me a birthday card. Many of these celebrants have only known me for a short period of time and some have not actually met me; but just sent me a well wish for my birthday just the same.

But, its the other folks WHO have known me for over 50 years are the ones that I have a problem with. Imagine, knowing someone and not even acknowledging their accomplishment is to me a slap in the face. Why should perfect strangers do this? I was expecting even members of my family to acknowledge the amount of work I had expended just to become this new person. But not one person even acknowledge this. I even had to send a message to one of my sons to remind him that the girl was in town.

But, I still love each and everyone of them and hope that when the chips are down and they are looking for a bit of a cheer-up, that someone other than me gives them the courage to face whatever they are facing.

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